The @OfficeChair that twitters your farts!

It seems somebody REALLY wanted to invent something that twitters … everything! but without having to actually do so!

Twitter is supposed to happen in that space between Flickr posts and Facebook updates, in the space when life actually happens. Well, in the space of time “when life actually happens,” life actually happens. It is neither pretty nor ugly. It is just life. If Twitter is supposed to be a document of life as it happens, then it should really document life, indiscriminately, as it happens without interference. If it fails to do this, then life then becomes the space between “tweets” (Twitter posts).

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance, to be able to update Twitter with life events without actually interfering with the event themselves. The documentation of life, henceforth, needs to be automated.

That said, I decided the first part of life that needed to be documented was my daily flatulence at work. I am not going to lie, I am a gassy individual. Since my flatulence is a part of life, it would be fraudulent of me to document life as it happens without documenting these occurrences.

In keeping with the process of non-interference in daily activity, I have created an office chair to both detect and Twitter my flatulence without having to bother me to update it myself.

You can find the Instructable for his twittering fart chair here

You can follow his farting progress here

Why condoms don’t offer real protection from STDs (Funny – NSFW)

Heres the gist …

So what I’m going to show now in an experiment, is this. Right here I have a glass. [Holding up pint  glass.] This glass represents a vagina. What I have this here [holding up sieve], this is a condom.

Because a condom is kind of like a filter. And really small things can get through there, like   viruses, right?

And this here is some cream [holds up box of milk or cream] that’s past its sell-by date, so there’s  a lot of lumps in it, and there’s also some liquid cream, right? So the lumps will represent the   sperm cells and the cream will represent the AIDS virus. So the drops of cream because they are    smaller–right now we’re gonna go, this is the penis, right?

So now we’re going to simulate an ejaculation. So the vagina’s right here, here’s the condom   [holding sieve above glass], just open this and here comes the ejaculation, right? [Pouring cream  through sieve].
There is some sperm left in the condom, as you can see, but look here: The VAGINA IS FULL OF AIDS.

OK? This [gesturing at milk in glass] is all AIDS. There is still some AIDS left in the condom, but  not a lot. But most of it is in the vagina. It’s a VAGINA FULL OF AIDS.