Finding a Flash video in chrome – Saving files open but deleted

Flash movies are online, but sometimes i want to save some for offline usage so i can watch them later or offline (laptops) etc.
Often there is no way to save/download these files, but they are not held in the tmp dir or cache as they used to be due to changes in flash. In Linux this is easy to overcome using the following methods. This also works for any file that’s been deleted but is still running in memory.

First, you need to find what or where the file is. For flash try

velofille@apple:~$ sudo lsof |grep Flash
npviewer.  8774  velofille   16u      REG                9,1 253092771     396153 /tmp/FlashXXDfgiS7 (deleted)

Bingo, i found my file! Of course the file /tmp/FlashXXDfgiS7 is deleted, so i cant just copy it like the good old days. Now i can copy that file from the proc filesystem using the following

cat /proc/8774/fd/16 > movie.flv

Now to breakdown where i got those parms from. The 8774 is the pid and 2nd number on the line, the 16 was from the ’16u’ which is the file descriptor . So when you do your lsof you can change those according to what you have open.
To find files open from a particular app, use ps to find the pid, then use

lsof -p 8774

Output is something like this

chrome  26572 velofille  mem    REG                9,1  1285536   1836431 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
chrome  26572 velofille  mem    REG                9,1   141088   3146088 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
chrome  26572 velofille  DEL    REG               0,16           34257353 /dev/shm/
chrome  26572 velofille  DEL    REG               0,16           34257687 /dev/shm/
chrome  26572 velofille  mem    REG                9,1   377352   4587538 /opt/google/chrome/
chrome  26572 velofille    0r   CHR                1,3      0t0      5778 /dev/null
chrome  26572 velofille    1u   REG               0,20   953173   5767170 /home/velofille/.xsession-errors
chrome  26572 velofille    2u   REG               0,20   953173   5767170 /home/velofille/.xsession-errors
chrome  26572 velofille    3u   REG               0,20   953173   5767170 /home/velofille/.xsession-errors
chrome  26572 velofille    4r  FIFO                0,8      0t0  34257284 pipe
chrome  26572 velofille    5u  unix 0xffff88002c61f740      0t0  34257940 socket
chrome  26572 velofille    6u  sock                0,7      0t0  34257281 can't identify protocol
chrome  26572 velofille    7u   CHR                1,9      0t0      5783 /dev/urandom

The only ones you can take like this are the ones with a file descriptor to play with.

Good luck, an have fun!

KatiKati Ukulele Fest! April 1st-3rd

Found this today

After enquiring it actually looks pretty darned decent!, heres a few more details

A month out and planning is well advanced, to make the Katikati Ukulele Festival a fun weekend for everyone. A children’s art competition to decorate ukuleles is underway. Preparations for the festival depend on local support and willing volunteers, and so far we have had a good response.

Thank you to Creative Tauranga, who featured our festival in the February issue of Creative Beat.Also to Jacquie at Katch Katikati who has spread the message far and wide.Fundraising, to make the festival affordable for all, is still going on.

Let us know if you can help. We still need a sponsor to photocopy songs sheets for festival participants.Ukes-A-Plenty have been busy busking and performing at various functions. We busked for the Red Cross Christchurch appeal, at the weekly produce market on Friday evening.

We are making it a weekend long festival, to encourage people to come to town and stay overnight.Friday, April 1 we have a free music jam at Katikati RSA (on main highway, at south end of town.) Delicious meals are available from 5.30pm and music from about 7pm. Just join in, or get up for a number. Any instruments welcome.

Saturday, April 2. Main festival is in Katikati Memorial Hall, from 12.30pm till about 5pm. Gold coin entry. Bring your ukes along, for a sing and play long with Mr Ukulele, Kevin Fogarty, workshops from Big Muffin Serious Band on strumming then plucking, followed by an open mike session.Big Muffin Serious Band will be in concert from 5.30 till about 7pm. Entry $5, school children free.

Sunday, April 3 at Athenreee Homestead, Athenree, (just off SH2 on road to Waihi Beach.)  There will be a morning tea, homestead tours and ukulele entertainment from Ukes-A-Plenty from 10am till about 12. A fundraiser for the worthwhile restoration of Adela Stewart’s homestead, with entry, tour and yummy morning tea just $10.  See their website for details.

Comfortable accommodation is available at Sapphire Springs Holiday Park, Just a few kms from town in motel type cabins and with lovely clean hot pools, also at Athenree Holiday Park, or various B&B’s, Motels etc. See websites for KK info. or

The Children’s art fest is being organised by Linda Ojala, Teachers at Katikati primary and year 7/8 at the college are participating with their students. All the ECE centres in town have the details, as well as Pahoia and Matahui schools. Any other children can pick up an entry form and ukulele template at the information centre. Entries need to be in by Wednesday March 16.

We have a lovely red Makala ukulele, (thanks to Music Oasis, Waihi) a designer uke bag, with tuner, two uke books and a free beginner lesson (if needed), which is being raffled, along with a spectacular food basket and laundry bucket raffle. Spot prizes, to make the day more fun for all ages, are being gratefully received.

Financial support is also very welcome.So if you can help we would love to hear from you.Please contact Christine Donehue phone, 0274 809 261, (07) 5495827 or if you would like to help, or for more information.

Christchurch Links for Information #eqnz

There are a lot of resources available, just trying to tie them all together so we can use the resources we have rather than spreading them between multiple webpages etc. Let me know any more I may have missed. I am constantly updating this.


Person Finder :

MESSAGES FOR THE #EQNZ MISSING: If you’re missing someone, email with details we will publish

NZ Earthquake: The hotline number for people overseas calling about loved ones is +64 7 850 2199
Register a lost or found pet with SPCA Canterbury here:
If you have lost or found a pet in the  Please don’t forget to post an ad (free) here

Beds – Links to several resources for offering and receiving – find and offer beds

Are you in Wellington and have spare beds for stranded passengers? Wellington Airport wants to hear from you


Lyttelton, Redcliffs, South New Brighton,Shirley,Wainoni and Phillipstown schools will be used as water distribution centres

Water Tankers are going to be arriving 11am-ish (23rd) around ChCh. IMPORTANT you must bring your own clean containers! Be patient

Drs & Nurses 0274316986 Volunteer for medical assistance via @NZTopModelColin

Port-a-loos being installed at schools.

Pak’n’Save and Countdown in Hornby will open at 10:30am.
Pak N Save Northlands open
Bakers Delight in Bush Inn (Christchurch) is giving away free bread for anyone in need apparently (not sure how long that will last)

helpline set up for the blind, deafblind and partially sighted, call the RNZFB Helpline on 0800 24 33 33

Anyone who knows someone with autism or aspergers, there is accom avail. Contact Alison Molloy or Jon Boyer at Autism NZ 04 470 7616

Foodstuffs list of open supermarkets

Damage reports can go via SMS to 5627 – any network, free TXT.
Naked Bus are offering 50% off for all fares travelling to or from Christchurch. Use the promo code “220111”

Fisher & Paykel have set up laundering facilities to help.
Located in the following places:
National Marae, 250 Pagers Road, Aranui. Corner Berswick… & Charles Street (situated in a Portacom), Kaiapoi. Fisher & Paykel site, 79 Shands Rd, Hornby


Christchurch families, call Plunketline 24/7 if you’re worried about your child’s health or wellbeing 0800 933 922
@Giapo is gathering goods to be sent to ChCh. Tinned goods, clothing & other necessities will be appreciated. Please donate #eqnz

ZMTHunderWLG We want to help CHCH however we can. If you need a ride to/from the airport, food collection for foodbank etc TXT or call 0274583656
If can’t get through on Lifeline number try 0800 111 757 – number for but counsellors happy to talk and listen

Servers/VPS for IT or hosting companies

Know of stuff in Christchurch that needs fixing? tell The Student Volunteer Army. free txt 5627 with address & brief details


RedCross Donation:
RedCross say they do not need people or items at this time.

Emergency Helpline 0800 77 9997 – For missing people call Red Cross 0800 733 276

SALVATIONARMY.ORG.NZ 0800 53 00 00 or donate directly to this Westpac Account 03 0207 0617331 00

ASB has opened an account to receive donations: 12-3205-0146808-00 or txt FOOD to 4662 for $3 to help the pets – Donation

On Vodafone? Txt Quake to 333 to make a $3 donation. 100% of yr $3 goes to the Red Cross EQ appeal
Sugar Free is donating kids clothing to Christchurch earthquake victims. If you would like to donate any kids clothing drop it off at the shop before Thursday afternoon. 216 Jervois Rd, Herne Bay, Auckland.


$400 from anywhere in the world for kiwis to come home to family. Air New Zealand

$50 anywhere in NZ to or from ChCh via Air New Zealand

If you have a working laptop you can donate, send it to New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, well packed with the hardware and software specifications listed on outside of box to: John Ferguson, Sector Manager – Digital Content & Technology, New Zealand Trade & Enterprise, Level 11, 23-27 Albert St, Auckland. We will find a business that can use it. Please be generous.

The University has created a “Volunteer Army”, which is rallying students together to help out

People in wellington, there’s a truck going down with supplies to christchurch if you want to donate:


Change your voicemail to say you’re are okay if your phone battery is running out !
Do not need to boil water for 3 minutes, once its at boiling its fine to drink , any more is just wasting gas.

More Information – Damage reports

Please add any other links in comments so i can add to them. Also any offers of help are welcome in any form.

Whilst im sure we appreciate those behind a lot of the websites, I would like to ask others to please NOT try and re-invent their own versions. it dilutes the data over to many websites and makes it hard to keep track. The is maintained by a large group verifying the data and would love your help.