getting back into exercise

Well im back into the sway of things, just updated one of my original posts about calories in vs calories out etc.

Ribs are good, hand is good. they still give me a bit of ass but motly i have sore muscles from getting back into exercise.

The Accident

Dear Diary and perverted watchers,

Crap day today … i survived but ended up at the hospital for several hours.
I finally got my husbands push bike off him and adjusted the brakes. I thought i would bike to the shops with miss 10yo and teach her road rules at the same time.
I showed her how to signal and to ride close to the curb. I explained you go around a parked car and signal. We start off fine. First parked car we get to i see her signal great and so i looked back to check for cars. No cars .. look back and my daughter has stopped right in front of me. I jammed on the brakes, which i had finely tuned only moments before and the bike stopped on a dime. The suspension bounced down and i promptly went over the handle bars.
I dont recall much except GREAT pain in the ribs as the handlebars gouged me and then rolling off the road. I recall seeing my daughter, telling her to get the bikes and herself to get off the road. And I recall seeing a red head lady about 100 mtrs down the road getting in her car and looking to see what the almighty roar was.
Next thing i recall was everything spinning and then stopping and i opened my eyes and the red head and some other lady asking me my address. I told her, then did a mental check that everything was intact, Stood up and walked back home with my daughter (after thanking everyone) and husband then took me to hosp.
Diagnosis was probable cracked ribs, Very badly bruised right side breast/rib area, Torn ligamints in right hand (im typing one handed with left atm), and mild concusion.
Apparently i hit my head thats why i passed out. I dont recall but the helmet has cracks so maybe thats true

Anyway i will be sore for a few days but not quitting anything. Ill use exercycle to stay fit and get it in, So long a breathing isnt an issue with the ribs.

Burning calories with sex!

Taken from here

> Does anyone have any information on how many calories are burned by various
> sexual activities? This may be the best physical exercise to lose weight!


With partner's consent..........12 Shoes flew off....................35
Without partner's consent......187 Expression didn't change...........1/2
Orchestra swelled..................6
Using two calm hands.............7 Large birds.......................7
Using one trembling hand........36 Small birds.......................3
Earth moved.......................30
Lifting partner.................15 PULLING OUT:
Dragging partner along floor....16 After orgasm.......................1/2
Using skateboard.................3 A few moments before orgasm......500

For normal healthy man...........2.5 For woman..........................3
Losing erection.................14 For men...........................72
Searching for it...............115
PUTTING ON CONDOM: Despite no formal training, orgasm
With erection....................1.5 comes easily, naturally..........53
Without erection...............300 You're enjoying sex, despite the
fact that other people are
INSERTING DIAPHRAGM: starving..........................2
If the woman who does it is Sex on your lunch hour.............3
Experienced.....................6 Putting it on expense account.....20
If a man does it...............680 AGGRAVATION:
Add (5) calories for retreiving it Partner keeps showing plants.......5
from across the room. Partner insists on cuddling the dog
during foreplay..................14
POSITIONS ACCORDING TO NATIONALITY: Partner just visited bathroom for
Italian- Man on top, woman in 7th time.........................10
kitchen........................26 Partner is taking phone calls......7
Russian- Woman on bottom, Partner is making phone calls.....40
man getting permission.........55
American- Both on top...........60 GETTING CAUGHT:
By partner's spouse...............60
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF INTERCOURSE: By your spouse...................100
Bouncing.........................7 Trying to explain.................55
Sliding around...................9 Trying to remain calm............100
Serious skidding................12 Leaping out of bed................75
Whiplash........................27 Getting dressed in one motion....500
Thanking partner quickly...........2