I was sick as a dog, get your flu shots!

Those that know me know ive been pretty darned sick the last 10 days.

Easter friday i got a headache in the morning which went downhill. I had a raging temp of over 40C for the better part of 10 days. Only thing that got it down was panadol & nurofen combined and even then it was only down to 38.5C.

So at 40C+ i had shakes and shivering uncontrolably, i had trouble getting the pills out of their packets without dropping them on the floor, and I almost smashed a couple of cups trying to fill them with water (water bottles work well here!)

For the most part I couldnt sleep at all so i took it where i could. Also though hungry occasionally i just didnt feel like food (yay go the diet!).

To top it off i had another infection which i reacted badley to the medication which drove me absolutely batty.

So im better, and now ive been over 24 hours without panadol and nurofen. I dont recall much about the last week and a bit, other than im better now, just really easily tired and catching up on eating and sleeping.

Thanks to Carol who came from Auckland and helped out, and my awesome husband. And special thanks go out to Pikiti Twitch, my awesome cat, whos unswerving affection and cuddles throughout made it bearable … well almost … except when she attacked my trackies at 3am in the morning and woke me up :/ ‘

So go out, pay the $30 or whatever it is to get yout flu shots. The kids didnt cop it as bad as me, but seriously you dont want this.