Spinning Plates Theory

So everyone has heard of the Spoons theory , its excellent and helps people understand/cope with illness either mental or physical.

I have come up with my own based on this, only this is one for those who overcommit to things – often do too much, and not based around being sick. Its for the healthy ones who just do far too much, parents, A type, etc

It goes like this. Everyone can spin plates on sticks – how many depends on you, and how long you’ve been practicing. I may be able to spin 5 plates most days, and im good with that, somebody else may be 2-3 and that’s all they can handle. This is fine also.
For me those 5 spinning plates encompasses feeding dogs, going gym, making meals, cleaning up the house, or whatever else i do .

Some days everything goes wrong, or i have a ton of extra chores or things that are expected of me. Maybe going shopping, picking up sheep feed, building a fence, going for a bike ride – these are added spinning plates.

I can do that, but since i’m new to spinning 6 or 7 plates, i can’t do that for long before shit crashes down on me and i drop all my plates in a smashing heap on the floor.

If i were to slowly add more spinning plates, i may be able to get up to 6 or 7 at a time, but when that is dumped on me, sometimes i need to hand off things to others before they all come down in a smashing heap.

So there it is, my spinning plates analogy for those who like to over commit themselves either accidentally or from others pushing stuff onto them.


Taken from this idiotic post https://thetransformedwife.com/the-entitlement-attitude-of-women/ – swapped genders

The reason my viral post had such a strong visceral reaction was because many men have an entitlement attitude that says they can live however they want and suffer no consequences. They can sleep around, get into huge amounts of debt by going to college (since everyone else is doing it), tattoo their bodies, and still expect a good woman to want to marry them because they deserve it and “God’s grace covers all of their sins.”

“The reason so many people got upset at reading the Lori Alexander piece is because upwards of 90 percent of all American singles fail to meet her simple, tried and true standard for maximizing marital success. Rather than take a little humble pill, they are defiant against God and his simple-to-follow rules. They want to equivocate, obfuscate, and make themselves the exception to the rules. It’s totally understandable. We all have that desire.”

Yes, God’s grace covers all of our sins once we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior but it doesn’t mean that we won’t bear the consequences of our sins. It also doesn’t give us the freedom to continue in sin. All we deserve is hell and damnation except for Christ’s shed blood for us so get the entitlement attitude that is so prevalent today out of your mind. If but for Christ, we would all be lost in our sin without any hope.

I sure had preferences for the man I was hoping to one day marry. I wanted him to be a godly man, a virgin, hard-working, athletic, and taller than me! Was I wrong to have these standards? No! And neither are any of you but you must expect high standards for yourself, too; for we are promised that we will reap what we sow. I asked my wife if she would have wanted to marry me if I had slept around, had high amounts of debt, and tattoos and he said, “Absolutely not!” No, none of us will ever be perfect but some sins are much more destructive to the happiness of a future marriage than others.

Mychael Klajic wrote a well-thought out response to my article. She wasn’t a virgin, had debt, and a tattoo when she married. She clearly understands the consequences of his sin and doesn’t try to hide this fact. We all live with regrets of past actions because sin is destructive. We should never try to minimize sin and say that it is not harmful. It is! We must repent from our wicked ways and seek to live holy lives as His Spirit works mightily within us.

“If you are a typical 30-something boy who had been playing the field in your twenties, the ONLY way you have any chance to marry a high quality, high status woman is to humble yourself in the presence of any woman you might like to marry, and answer any and all questions he has for you. At any point, he may decide that is too much baggage and walk away.”

Mychael grieves about his past sins and how they affect his today. “In fact, even if you do all that, you will still have the second and third order effects of that life FOREVER. You can never get the pictures of your spouse with someone else out of your mind. You can NEVER really stop wondering if you are being compared. You can mentally control it, and minimize it. But it’s always there. Then there are the children. Someday, they will start asking questions about their step brother’s origin. It breaks my heart to think of that conversation. And it should break my heart.”

For me to teach young men to be virtuous seems to be forbidden in many churches today apparently, as is teaching men to be submissive towards their wives, silent in the churches, and being keepers at home. Something is so wrong about this! I completely disagree with this sentiment and will continue to teach younger men the ways of godliness because they are good and for their good!

“It matters to your future wife what you did before you met him. Do not pretend that she should just take you with all that baggage because you are sooo awesome. You created most of it yourself. The previous two or three generations of men were conditioned by their baby boomer parents to believe that it doesn’t matter. But the ones under forty have been warned. The party’s over, girls. And Lori’s three markers are a really good way to screen for that stuff. Are you the exception? Who knows? Why should you burden your future husband with the task of figuring it out?”

The Lord says, “My people are stupid;
    they don’t know me.
They are like foolish children;
    they have no understanding.
They are experts at doing what is evil,
    but failures at doing what is good.”

Jeremiah 4:22-24

Getting the RT3070 USB wifi adapter working in linux

Ralink must be one of the shittiest Linux supported network cards ever. I have a friend who’s not so good on computers, to the point where after reinstalling every  week for 3 weeks i suggested linux.

That sure saved me a lot of long drives to fix whatever went one, i could fix it with SSH. This has worked out great for both of us, especially since i moved 200 km away. She began on linux and is used to how it works, she loved it when we moved to ubuntu and she could install and remove things herself, and run updates.

Anyway, i digress, shes moving house on the coming weekend, and has a few coins leftover, and she wants to move to a wireless network. I thought “great! Linux support for most usb wifi isn’t too shabby, ill get something that works ‘out of the box’ if i can”. I went to ascent.co.nz and found this cheap card that said ‘Linux Compatible”. Well, I guess it was hoping for too much , but wasn’t expecting the problems i had.

The drivers on the cd wouldn’t compile because of the age/code/dependencies. I went to the ralink website and downloaded the latest drivers ( DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.2_20100412 ). I ran into problems right away compiling for various reasons. Eventually i followed the following recipe to get this going.

unpackage it ;

cd DPO_RT3070_LinuxSTA_V2.3.0.2_20100412/
vi os/linux/usb_main_dev.c

Look for the following line
MODULE_DESCRIPTION(“RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver”);
And add this one below it

Exit the editor, then do the following

sudo make
sudo cp RT2870STACard.dat RT3070STACard.dat
sudo cp RT2870STA.dat RT3070STA.dat
sudo make install
cd /etc/Wireless/
sudo ln -s RT3070STA RT2870STA
cd RT3070STA
sudo ln -s RT3070STA.dat RT2870STA.dat
sudo modprobe rt3070sta

if that works, throw the module in /etc/modules  (just the name rt3070sta ) so it loads on boot.

Now the key to all this is that ralink are cheap. They give a chip a new name, even though its clearly the same as previous ones. They do a quick run over the code to change all instances of 2870 to 3070 and of course forget half them, this is why there are odd cp’s and having to link thinks to work.

It seems that debian based distros like/need the GNU in the file, which seems to have been moved into another file in these drivers and its not registering. By adding it in it will load and work.

Let me know if this has helped you 🙂

Refs : http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/wireless-internet/161550-rt3070sta-module-license-unspecified-taints-kernel-solved.html