Stupid people at the gym

I posted this on originally but here it is for all to see ๐Ÿ™‚


Okay since its friday night and im bored shitless im gonna have a rant. This rant is not directed at anyone here on the forums โ€“ please do not take it that way (just letting off steam)

WHY do people pay tons of money to go to the gym, they get up at 5am to go in early before work and then just sit there half heartedly doing exercise whilst reading. I mean HELLO! if you arnt breaking a sweat then chances are your eyes are doing more of a workout whilst reading than anything else!
Im a reader โ€“ an avid reader. I speed read and can easily read a 300 page book in an hour (20 minutes at my best). If i cant read I go insane so i know what its like to want to read a book and exercise. Ive tried it myself! but it is IMPOSSIBLE to do a PROPER workout and read a book.
And as for that fat chick i see every morning who reads and exercises, why on earth do you waste your time?! She turns the treadmill on and is barely even moving (I shit you not .. its not even a decent walking pace) and does that for 5 minutes before moving to a laying back exercycle for another 5 minutes, then the rowing machine for another 2 minutes maybe all the while sighing loudly and looking determinedly bored and trying to read her book.
I do wonder if she has noticed that whilst she looks the same, ive gone from being HEAPS bigger than her down to a smaller size than her.
And there is this skinny chick, sure she has an ok body โ€“ but she is SOOO not toned. everything is just flat, straight. Looks kinda like a popcicle stick. And yet she goes to the gym every morning and again does a half hearted useing the stepper (whilst reading), and then reclined exercycle (reading a book), then some other cardio stuff. Never thinking once that perhaps they might go down to the weights section and actually give their muscles a real workout โ€“ or even crank the level up off the lowest.

ok now i have that off my chest, im tired and grumpy and probably shouldnt be posting to forums right now lol.
I take back anything nasty i might have implied! and huges to all *hugs*

how to work out how many calories are in something

If it doesnt have Kilojoules or Calories on the packet try this little formula

Cals = fat X 9 + (carb โ€“ fiber) X 4 + protein X 4 + alcohol X 7

Listed as a spam blog!

Heh I got listed as a spam blog by blogger and now i have to fill out a bunch of letters when i post.

Im not sure why i got listed but i did have a link on the template going to my home page. It was meant to be under every post but ive moved it up to the top and renamed it so it seems less spammy.

Either way its very lol.

So ive lost like 24.5kg so far โ€“ i have 31.5 to go before i hit 90kg.
My brother seems to have given up paying the kids to encourage me to loose the weight.
Nobody really seems to have noticed other than the odd person. I mean HELLO! IVE LOST A SHITLOAD OF WEIGHT!
Im not *THAT* fat that you just dont notice it.

My tummy is now going down though, and i can fit into a couple size smaller pants. I havnt really gone out and bought anything new because i plan to keep on loosing it. No point wasting money on clothes im only going to wear for a couple months.
So i have one pair of pants that fit for going out. and lots of my old shirts fit (Im wearing one i got 5 years ago for slackware)