Dear Media Outlets, DailyMail ,and other “News” sites.

Dear Media Outlets, DailyMail ,and other “News” sites.

I imagine your life my be somewhat boring, some of the news reported is barely news at all. I am just wondering though, would it not be better to let go the extra reporters than to keep reporting on the inane drivel you spout?

If I am interested in a singer, it is usually because i love their songs, voice, and other things related to it. The same goes for actors, i enjoy seeing them perform, or win awards for that.

I rarely give a damn what clothes they are wearing, what they look like, who they are dating, or what they had for breakfast.

Please, stop reporting garbage and forcing others to judge people based on criteria nobody gives a shit about.



ps. Stop reporting about people who are famous for being rich and famous.