Be careful with your Follow friday

Every friday i see lovely awesome people handing off follow friday greets on twitter to their favourite people, its amazing and awesome. However I do also see the same mistake again and again!

If you prefix a message with an @username , then twitter sees this as a message TO that person, therefore this wont show up in anyones timeline except your own, and theirs, and anyone who follows you or them.

This means if you start your follow friday with a username then only you, and them, and anyone else mentioned in that tweet or following both of you will see it. It somewhat defeats the purpose of follow friday which is advertising people to watch.

I love to find new and interesting people to follow on Fridays, i don’t however often do them myself (ok so im lazy!) So in the interests of spammy follow fridays and great friendships, do the honerable thing and start your follow fridays with a #ff tag !:D

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