hacking tweetwall voting with wget and shell scripting

# copious amount of useless comments 3 pages longer than the code should always be at the top of any shell script
# This is so you can run screen and vote for some person lots without looking like some automated voting system
# Feel free to use this, but please keep my name/website etc on it (need the fame ya know)
# I'm not gonna walk you through it, if you dont understand it then dont use it
# Yes im sure you could do better!
# Don't forget to edit it
# Written by Liz Quilty http://velofille.com

RAND=`dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d" " |cut -c1-4`
if [ $RAND -lt 1200 ]; then RAND_SLEEP=$(($RAND+200)) ; else RAND_SLEEP=$RAND;fi

while [ 1 ] ; do
# the below line wgets the link the 12345 is the users number and the 45 is country number (view web page for these) - Edit this line to reflect user/url
wget --referer=http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/new-zealand/top-something-url -U Mozilla http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/vote/12345/45
sleep $RAND_SLEEP # sleep for random time before voting again

2 Replies to “hacking tweetwall voting with wget and shell scripting”

  1. On a side note, this will no longer work sorry, its not post rather than get and they have a randomly generated token. To much hassle for this girl to hackity hack just for something fun (i have better things to do with my time!)

    For anyone interested in seriously givingit a go all you need is to get the token and vote in the same call pretty much
    curl ‘-d uid=1234 -d country_id=45 -d token=f107baddb99cc6666447c69db165042f’ http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/vote
    Probably easier to do a greasemonkey script or something

  2. On a side note, this will no longer work sorry, its not post rather than get and they have a randomly generated token. To much hassle for this girl to hackity hack just for something fun (i have better things to do with my time!)

    For anyone interested in seriously givingit a go all you need is to get the token and vote in the same call pretty much
    curl ‘-d uid=1234 -d country_id=45 -d token=f107baddb99cc6666447c69db165042f’ http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/vote
    Probably easier to do a greasemonkey script or something

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